
Real World News

06/19/2070 01:56

Shootout Ends In No-Win

FastFacts [UCAS] SEATTLE, UCAS: When Neville Edwidch hailed a cab after a night of heavy drinking at the Ork With The Golden Tooth Tavern in Everet, he did not expect to see a shootout of Old West proportions. Thinking he had had a few too many or chipped into a Dead Man's Hand sim, Neville decided...
06/17/2070 23:44

Break-in, Murder At Horizon Enclave

KSAF [UCAS] SEATTLE, UCAS: Insider sources report that at 23:15 this evening, Travis Mathis, an advertising executive with Cerulean Visions Inc, a Horizon subsidiary, was found dead in his Horizon Enclave home. According to the source, Mathis had been obviously murdered, with his throat slashed in...
06/17/2070 15:28

Gang War Escalates: Fireworks in Redmond

KSAF [UCAS] SEATTLE, UCAS: The steadily mounting violence between gangs in Seattle has Lone Star and Knight Errant on high alert tonight as the violence reached new heights. Even in forsaken Redmond the police could not turn a blind eye to the literally explosive violence at an abandoned parking...
06/09/2070 13:43

Subway Accident Technomancer Connection?

Nightime [DeMoKo] MOSCOW, Russia: According to MVD sources, Moscow's Monday monorail accident that left passengers injured might have been the work of mysterious "technomancers" - metahumans who are rumored to be able to access and control the Matrix and connected devices with nothing but their...
06/04/2070 04:35

Arcology Vigil Ends In Chaos

Prime News [Horizon Group] SEATTLE, UCAS: A peaceful demonstration promoted by the Arcology Remembrance Committee (ARC) outside the ACHE in downtown Seattle last night ended in chaos and confusion. The ARC has been campaigning for compensation to the families of those vanished during the infamous...
05/30/2070 11:27

Europol Cracks Container Scam

Punto Caliente [Sol Media 1] EUROPORT, UNL: Following weeks of in-depth investigations, Europol today announced the arrest of a criminal group suspected of diverting at least forty-five missing ocean freight containers in the transit through the Dutch megaport. Europol expects to make further...
05/20/2070 09:12

Security Guard Blinded By Criminals

NRE News [Horizon Group] SYDNEY, Austraila: Rushing to aid a citizen under assault by a duo of criminals in the North Park Mall parking lot, security guard Isaac Mews was stopped dead in his tracks when his fision suddenly faded. "I just went blind," Mews said after recovery in the hospital. "My...
05/19/2070 08:00

Korean AR-Cade Championship Finalist Slain By Opponent

Megeplex News [Sony Media] SEOUL-INCHEON, Korea: The Korean AR-Cade championship finals ended in tragedy with the death of two-time champion, 17-year-old Lee Choi Phong. Phong and fellow finalist Danny Ng delivered a fierce, no-holds-barred fully-virtual match to an audience of rabid fans on the...
05/12/2070 06:59

Elevator Crash - Act Of Revenge?

Inside Scoop [ABS] NEW YORK, UCAS: Shocking new claims indicate that last week's 39-story elevator crash in a Midtown office building might have been a cruel act of revenge by a spurned lover. A grief-stricken Giaccomo Mileno, 23, turned himself over to authorities yesterday, claiming to have...
05/05/2070 23:44

The Times Publishes Interrogation Transcripts. Accident or Sabotage?

The New Economist LONDON, UK: The publication of aparently highly-confidential interrogation transcripts is the latest mishap in a series of leaks from within the Lord Protector Office's Oversight Board (OB) responsible for British national security. The transcripts follow, in graphic detail,...

Welcome to ShadowSea Beta

If you're here, it means you were invited, or you broke through our ICE. Either way, congrats. Welcome to ShadowSea. Here, you tell us what you want to know, and we'll hunt it down for you! We also offer individual runner teams secure nodes to coordinate their work and contacts, and hopefully network out to the people they need to meet in this biz.


So, once again, welcome to ShadowSea! Let us know what we can do to make the shadows a safer place.

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Shadow Sea Anonymizer


08/21/2070 12:13


We've been doing our best to streamline the site, adding sub-pages and better navigation. The Posting Board now has a dedicated Job Bank online for those of you who want to post runs direct. The primary posting board is now for sales, intel, and the like. If you've got a job posting, take it to the...
01/13/2070 21:59

Visitors Notice

Jack-In-The-Box ICE is up and running, and has commlink kills to it's credit as of an hour ago. To the gentlemen and/or ladies of Yakashima who thought it was neccessary to break in, better luck next time! Let them be an example to the rest of you to behave.
01/13/2070 21:58

JPB Launch!

Sorry for the delays, everyone! We've got all the kinks ironed out (we think), and are ready to move out of Beta (yes, yes, we could have thought up a better name)   If anyone spot any bugs, let us know!

Need That Paydata?

ShadowSea offers a Wiki for any information on Seattle, be it the aboveboard touristy stuff an out-of-towner needs to know, to the kind of shadowlore you really came here for. Feel free to add to it, or let us know what we can do to improve it!


Who's Winning In the Upcoming Election?

Julius Strouthers (Democratic) (1,072)

Kenneth Brackhaven (Republican) (1,456)

Josephine Dzhugashvili (Independent) (549)

Other (903)

Total votes: 3980