06/29/2070 14:33
Real Name: Valentine Stark
Date of Birth: Feb 14, 2035
Birthplace: Berlin, GA
Nationality: Caucasian(?) Euro
Metatype: Night Elf Metavariant
Gender: Male
Current Residence: Operating Seattle, with various safehouses globally
Height: 1.9m
Weight: 68.5 kg
Hair: Black
06/27/2070 02:16
Rat Vanian trades in exotic tech and black market gear. If you're looking for something you cant find anywhere else, there's a fair chance he;s got two lying somewhere in his shops. Amazingly, he operates out of a storefront in Redmond Barrens without the Star shutting his down. Like any fixer...
02/21/2070 03:23
Saturday Jones
Real Name: Amanda Blane-Jones
Date of Birth: Feb 15, 2048
Birthplace: New York, UCAS
Nationality: Caucasian
Metatype: Human
Gender: Female
Current Residence: Operating Seattle, operations in surrounding
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 60 kg
Hair: Brown
02/09/2070 16:35
Axiom is the alias of an identity forger or team of them. Arranging Matrix-only meetings, Axiom seems to have access to government databases and registries, resulting in some of the most thorough fake SINs in the UCAS. Axiom seems to focus primarily on Seattle-based criminals, and is capable of...