The Times Publishes Interrogation Transcripts. Accident or Sabotage?
The New Economist
LONDON, UK: The publication of aparently highly-confidential interrogation transcripts is the latest mishap in a series of leaks from within the Lord Protector Office's Oversight Board (OB) responsible for British national security. The transcripts follow, in graphic detail, questionable information gathering practices of several detainees following the "Cambridge Riots" of 2066. OB officials contest the validity of these transcripts and claim the are the work of hardcore political insurgents attempting to seed dissent.
The Times editor-in-chief, Derek Gainsborough, is "at a loss" as to how the newspaper's weekend edition's layout and content could have been manipulated, unnoticed by the editors and Administrative Board liaison officers. This is the second damning expose to appear in as many months (following the commlink IDs of OB informants within the civil service inadvertently published by the Daily Mirror), striking another blow at OB's untouchable image.
Downing Street has declined to comment, but the Lord Protector's Office has announced a complete and thorough independent investigation.